Medina County Groundwater Conservation District (GCD)
Phone Office: (830) 741-3162 Fax: (830) 741-3540
Mail/Location Medina County GCD 1607 Avenue K Hondo, TX 78861
Medina County GCD Board members are representativesfrom four precincts and one at-large. It has a General Manager, and a Field Technician.
Board of Directors Scott Saathoff At-Large President
Michael Mello Pct. 4
John Persyn Pct. 2 Vice-President
Robert J. Rothe Pct. 3 Secretary Treasurer
Curtis Boehme Pct. 1
Staff David Caldwell General Manager
Staff Field Technician
GMA 10
GMA 13
GCDs in Texas
GMAs in Texas
GMA Meeting Postings
GMA Related Documents
Medina County GCD is currently a member of three Groundwater Management Areas (GMAs) in Texas. A GMA is not a political entity, and is instead a committee of representatives from GCDs within a GMA. Medina County GCD intends to petition for the moving of the GMA 9 & 10 boundary, removing it from GMA 9 and placing the vacated space within GMA 10. The puropse of the GMAs is to prvide a mechanism of joint planning and communication of concerns. The GMAs meet at least annually. They also meet no later than five years adopt Desired Future Conditions (DFC) for aquifers under their jurisdiction. Some aquifers are found to have characteristics that do not make them relevant for joint planning, and so are left to the GCD to regulate.
This Quick Handbook on Geologic Formations Related to Groundwater in Medina County provides information about some of the most common questions about groundwater within the GCD.