Medina County
Groundwater Conservation
District (GCD)
Office: (830) 741-3162
Fax: (830) 741-3540
Medina County GCD
1607 Avenue K
Hondo, TX 78861
Below are tools for understanding aquifers and groundwater in
Medina County, and on answers to common questions.
and strata in
Medina County GCD
GCD Publications
What is an EXEMPT (domestic/livestock) well?
Wells equipped to produce water to be used by an individual, a family, or a household for drinking water,
cooking, washing and watering livestock or poultry, that is not equipped to produce more than
25,000 gallons of groundwater a day (about 17 gallons per minute, or 1 ½ horsepower pump or smaller).
Is there a specific location I should have my EXEMPT (domestic/livestock) well drilled?
A well must be located a minimum of 100 feet from a septic system, 50 feet from any water-tight sewage
or liquid-waste collection facility, and 50 feet from any property line.
What are the Requirement for Registering an EXEMPT (domestic/livestock) well?
Prior to drilling a Domestic Well in the District, the owner or owner's representative must complete a
well registration form that can be downloaded from our Download page.
Who do I need to talk to if I am having problems with my Septic Systems?
You can contact the Medina County Environmental Health Department at (830) 741-6195
with any question regarding the installation or problems involving a septic system.
How much is the Fee for drilling an EXEMPT (domestic/livestock) well?
The Medina County GWCD charges a $10 registration fee, not a drilling fee.
What is a NON-EXEMPT well?
Wells that are equipped to produce in excess of 25,000 gallons of groundwater a day or a well drilled for
any other purpose than household or livestock use such as agricultural, industrial or public use.
Is there a specific location I should have any NON-EXEMPT well drilled?
A well must be located a minimum of 100 feet from a septic system, 50 feet from any water-tight sewage
or liquid-waste collection facility, and 50 feet from any property line. Irrigation wells have spacing
requirements. See Rules.
What is the cost for a Well Construction Permit (NON-EXEMPT wells only)?
The Medina County GWCD charges a $250 well application fee, or in the case of converting a registered
EXEMPT well to a NON-EXEMPT use, the well construction application fee minus any paid
registration fee for the well.
What is the cost for an Operating Permit for a NON-EXEMPT well?
In addition to the $250 application fee to drill the NON-EXEMPT well, there is a $250 Operating Permit fee.
What do I need to produce groundwater from a NON-EXEMPT well?
A well construction application, an Operating Permit (see Operating Permit FAQ), and installed meter.
Both the well application fee, per NON-EXEMPT well, and the Operating Permit fee, before pumping for