Medina County
Groundwater Conservation
District (GCD)
Office: (830) 741-3162
Fax: (830) 741-3540
Medina County GCD
1607 Avenue K
Hondo, TX 78861
Exepmt Use
Domestic/livestock Consumption
Requires one time well registration
Non-exempt Use
Requires well construction application
Requires an operating permit to pump
This page provides a number of forms, documents, and publications
which may be of interest.
Payment is by cash or check.
Please make payments to: Medina County GCD
Forms For The Two Types of Groundwater Use
Well Construction Applications and payment
must be received by the Medina County GCD
before drilling may commence.
Contract for Static Water Level (SWL) Sensor
Placement of a Static Water Level Sensor is required for all
Non-exempt wells completed in the
Trinity, Carrizo-Wilcox,
or other non-Edwards or Non Leona Gravel aquifers
that do not have a MCGCD Board approved waiver.
The contract with MCGCD is voluntary.
The owner may place their own MCGCD Rules compliant sensor
at their own expense or the owner may enter into a contract for MCGCD
to provide a sensor at MCGCD expense.
MCGCD will record the contract with the Medina County Clerk’s
office. See contract for detalis.
Other Forms