Medina County Groundwater Conservation District (GCD)
Home Page
Exepmt Use Well Exempt from permitting requirements Requires a one time well registration Domestic/household/livestock Consumption Can water yard, not field Well can not be equipped to pump more than 25,000 gallons per day Can be used to fill stock tank, but water filled can not be used for irrigation or other non-exempt use
Non-exempt Use Well Not exempt from permitting requirements Irrigation/Municipal/Industrial Requires well construction application Requires an operating permit to pump Non-exempt Trinity and Carrizo-Wilcox wells are required to have a static water level (SWL) sensor (see “Forms” page)
Medina County GCD was created under the authority of Article 16 Section 59 of the Texas Constitution, and by Chapter 36 of the State Water Code, both of which may be viewed at
GCDs in Texas
GMAs in Texas
Important Court Decisions
The Two Types of Groundwater Use
Related Websites
Medina County GCD is a political subdivison of the state of Texas with taxing authority. It’s boundaries coincide with those of Medina County, and has a board of directors elected from within the GCD. The GCD strives to strike a balance between conservation, preservation, and the efficient benifical use of groundwater for the benifit of the citizens of Medina County, now and also for future generations.
Phone Office: (830) 741-3162 Fax: (830) 741-3540
Mail/Location Medina County GCD 1607 Avenue K Hondo, TX 78861
Medina County GCD Location
RPGs in Texas
Groundwater Conservation District (GCD) Groundwater Management Area (GMA) Regional Water Planning Group (RPG)
Hours Notice Open/operating during regular business hours. For regular hours, see below. You can also visit by going to the Meetings page to see about meeting in a virtual office. Regular Monday - Friday business (8:00 a.m - 4:30 p.m.) Office Phone: (830) 741-3162 Office Phone (cell): (830) 741-9733 E-mail:
Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR) Search for Licensed Water Well Drillers/Apprentaces *Note: Drillers Licenses list a single county, but are valid throughout Texas. If none is listed for your county, check nearby counties.